Free Webinar: On-Product Warning Best Practices (Including the All-New ANSI Z535.7 Standard)
Reducing Risk, Protecting People


Farm Safety:

Best Practices to Help Warn About Common Agricultural Hazards

Farming is a hazardous profession. The agriculture industry poses a variety of safety challenges—including vehicular, respiratory and biological hazards—that subject farmworkers to common hazards such as crushing, entanglement, electrocution, or respiratory failure. Whether you are a family or corporately owned farm, safety is an important part of your operation.

Agriculture safety labels and signs are designed to provide the right safety warnings to visitors or workers to prevent accidents. Tractor movement or other movement hazards related to farm machinery tend to cause accidents if the equipment is not labeled properly. Labeling is an important safety process that can save lives.

Safety labels should not only be placed on large moving machinery products but also small ones as well. Most farm machinery on the market today should have hard-to-miss warning labels affixed to the machine. In some cases, adding a bilingual label or a translated label would make sense as in the US, workers can be from different nations.

Nationally, nearly one-third of all farm work fatalities are tractor-related. Injuries occur for a variety of reasons and in a number of different ways. There are several hazards associated with tractor operation. The most common ones include:

    1. Overturns
    2. Run Overs
    3. Power Take-Off Entanglements
    4. Older Tractors

Most importantly, families oftentimes involve their youth in running the daily farming operations, and in some cases they lack experience or do not know how to react to an unexpected hazard. Whether you’re mowing pastures and fields or using the tractor to power auger drills, tractor and machinery safety in the farming industry is a serious challenge.

In addition to emergency planning and preparedness and proper training, safety warnings can prevent accidents. If you have a unique safety challenge that requires a personalized or customized solution for farming and agriculture, let Clarion Safety’s experts help design a solution specifically for you.

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Protecting People in Farm Environments

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